Like many of these flatter pieces I have found myself working on as of late, this began as a sort of sketch for a large sculptural installation idea that has been rolling around in my head for some time now. Layers of paint, layers of crayon. An almost feverish building up on the pliable surface, and then the breaking down, the removing, the revealing. Rubbing raw with fingers and spit.
above: sculpture installation ‘sketch’ : watercolour, pencil, crayon on fabric. 36 x 48in
proposed installation contstruction materials: a room, yarn, nylon stocking, polystyrene beans
approximate sculptural installation dimensions: Variable- each ‘leg’ is approximately 12 feet long, with an approximate 13 inch circumference at the fullest part. Space requirements depend on how high the legs are piled, or if they take on a looser, more scattered posture within the room. Minimum space required: 16 feet by 16 feet
For more on this project click here and here and here.