I will sit in this house,
these rooms,
and stare out at the sea filled with some sort of longing.
everyday I will do the work
bit by bit
twisting the knots
making it grow
filling the space with my creatures, my monsters.
you know, all those deep things
and the lines between catching nothing
there is just this endless expanse
and everything is blue

I imagine this taking the better part of a decade
me, knitting
watching the imperfect blue expanse of yarn ocean extending outward from my body stretching across the floor, through an archway, around corners, down the stairs and spilling out the window or the door.
sometimes more like a river or stream, trickling. other times so vast and wide
the color will shift through the days and months and years with the dye in the vat
my fingers stained maybe forever
it will grow and change with whatever space I find myself in
it will grow and change almost imperceptibly and I will get annoyed by its slowness but will not be able to give up until it fills up and spills over
I will watch as its horizon gets farther and farther away until I can no longer see where it ends and I will forget where it began
“they are tranquil. serious, and they know the secrets of the sea” -gerard de nerval
natural indigo vat dyeing
mermaids & sea creature lore
filling space
fluid changeable moving between land and sea
dissonate serenity
symbolic immersion
sea change
Love this.