Tag Archives: things to do in South Korea

Scenes from Gwangjang Market- Seoul, South Korea

Gwangjang Market

Scenes from Gwangjang Market- Seoul, South Korea

We entered the market and walked straight into a tide of kinetic energy.
A steady buzz,
A jostling of elbows.

Nimble fingers press dough into perfectly shaped mandu. Continue reading

City views with the mountains of Bukhansan National Park in the distance. Taken from the top of Namsan in Seoul, South Korea


City views with the mountains of Bukhansan National Park in the distance. Taken from the top of Namsan in Seoul, South Korea
seoul from above

High above. Gaze out and over the city. Hundreds of buildings rise up- repeating patterns of grey and white blocks.

It feels bustling, even from here. Not far beyond: the soft blue of mountain silhouettes.

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