Tag Archives: lara’s passage

Idyllic beach scene...Malapascua Island, Philippines

The Magic of Malapascua (part 1)

Idyllic beach scene...Malapascua Island, Philippines

Sometimes when you arrive at a place, you find that it is full of magic.  It is not necessarily filled with ancient structures to be revered, or dazzling skylines as a testament to the clever engineering capabilities of its humans.  The place may not be studded with snow topped mountains, awe inspiring waterfalls, or pristine beaches.  Yet, when you arrive, you can feel Continue reading

Creating the perfect bite of food in Chiang Mai, Thailand

A little dinner with your Hong Thong?

Creating the perfect bite of food in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Creating the perfect bite of food in Chiang Mai, Thailand

The more time we spent in Thailand, the more obvious it became that the best way to find a great place to eat was to follow your nose, and look for the red and blue plastic chairs. Seemingly synonymous with ‘delicious’ all across the country, it took us little time to figure out that where we found the chairs, we would find Continue reading

Scenes from Chang Phueak Market (North Gate Market) - Chiang Mai, Thailand

Feeding Frenzy at Chang Phuaek

Scenes from Chang Phueak Market (North Gate Market) - Chiang Mai, Thailand

A few dozen food stalls clustered together on the north side of Chiang Mai, whisking up delicious Thai food to order?! We wouldn’t dream of missing out…

Chang Phuaek Market in Chiang Mai, commonly referred to as the North Gate Market, is a wonderful place Continue reading

Street Scenes...Tokyo, Japan

Postcards from Tokyo…

Street Scenes...Tokyo, Japan

Godzilla is coming!


It is a whirl, a twirl, a blur.

Facades of steel and glass make angles against the blue sky.  Mind boggling crowds of humans move like liquid across wide intersections, down shopping streets, and through perfectly manicured parks.  Kitchy pop music finds my ears as I stand on a corner. Continue reading

The lotus flowers of Semiwon...Scenes from Dumulmeori: 'head of the two waters'...Seoul, South Korea



The lotus flowers of Semiwon...Scenes from Dumulmeori: 'head of the two waters'...Seoul, South Korea

Where is the place where two rivers meet?  Dumulmeori…

Two watery heads converge, making one.  Liquid expanse meets distant mountain, and all around a sea of green.  Lotus, lotus, everywhere… Continue reading

Scenes from Gwangjang Market- Seoul, South Korea

Gwangjang Market

Scenes from Gwangjang Market- Seoul, South Korea

We entered the market and walked straight into a tide of kinetic energy.
A steady buzz,
A jostling of elbows.

Nimble fingers press dough into perfectly shaped mandu. Continue reading

City views with the mountains of Bukhansan National Park in the distance. Taken from the top of Namsan in Seoul, South Korea


City views with the mountains of Bukhansan National Park in the distance. Taken from the top of Namsan in Seoul, South Korea
seoul from above

High above. Gaze out and over the city. Hundreds of buildings rise up- repeating patterns of grey and white blocks.

It feels bustling, even from here. Not far beyond: the soft blue of mountain silhouettes.

Continue reading
Weird Pharmacy Hendricks Gin Popup Bar

Weird Pharmacy

Weird Pharmacy Hendricks Gin Popup Bar

A rose frothed gin cocktail with fresh rose petals

Unlike most memorable bars we’ve found in Seoul, we didn’t just stumble upon Weird Pharmacy. We sought it out.

We were enjoying ourselves in Itaweon when several well-dressed men handing out roses caught our attention. Attached to each rose was a business card with enough information to be intriguing: “Hendricks Gin, Weird Pharmacy, @ Flower Gin, August 27-30, 2015.” Continue reading

White Rabbit Tap House- Itaewon, Seoul (South Korea)

White Rabbit Tap House

White Rabbit Tap House- Itaewon, Seoul (South Korea)

The mascot of the taphouse

Like Alice and the rabbit hole, we kind of fell into this place.  It is a little corner spot, filled with Tim Burtonesque artwork, rockin’ tunes, and hypnotic surf videos projected onto a large screen.  Oh, and let’s not forget to mention the amazing selection of beer!   Continue reading