Tag Archives: films to inspire travel

junk drawer // armchair travel volume 2

Cabilao Sunset

The ‘Junk Drawer’ is a random dose of  things to read, eat, enjoy and explore

Somehow in the midst of all this, we are moving.  Heading off to Hawaii to set down roots for a couple of years surrounded by the vast blue ocean.  News of our move prompted me to immediately watch the film Endless Summer.  Although I am a scuba diver (a hobby borne out of a love for water and beach, but the inability to sit still), I never really had the desire to try surfing…that was until I saw the film.  Maybe it is the innocence that the film exudes or Continue reading

junk drawer // armchair travel volume 1


Honcun, China

The ‘Junk Drawer’ is a random dose of  things to read, eat, enjoy and explore

Along with what seems like the large majority of humans, I have been doing an above average amount of ‘armchair travel’ lately. Using flavors, films, books, and even falling prey to the scroll-hole of instagram to carry me off to far-flung places.  Oh yeah, and baking bread.  Lots of bread. Continue reading