Tag Archives: bread recipe

junk drawer // armchair travel volume 1


Honcun, China

The ‘Junk Drawer’ is a random dose of  things to read, eat, enjoy and explore

Along with what seems like the large majority of humans, I have been doing an above average amount of ‘armchair travel’ lately. Using flavors, films, books, and even falling prey to the scroll-hole of instagram to carry me off to far-flung places.  Oh yeah, and baking bread.  Lots of bread. Continue reading

Swirly Korean red bean paste bread- danpat bbang

Korean Red Bean Bread & other musings…


Flavours collect like memories.  They are powerful conjurors that dance on the lips and the tip of the tongue.  I am an amalgamation of everything I have ever eaten.  A stew.  A mélange.  Continue reading