It is no secret that I love a good cup of coffee…or three…and I am always on the lookout for interesting little spots to duck into to get my caffeine on. Coffee is big business in South Korea (cafes are all over the place=yay!), and a recent study has brought to light the fact that Koreans now consume more coffee than rice. Along with this phenomenon is an unfortunate side effect -the chain coffee shop dominating the market (Starbucks features prominently, even over here). So when I happened upon Moka one day whilst wandering around the smaller streets in Waegwan, I knew that I had found a hidden gem. The sign on the outside read ‘indie cafe’ – that it was, and then some. I stepped through the door, and into what looked like an artist’s studio. Textured, painted walls, mismatched chairs and tables, collections of odd little objects filling the corners…oh- and coffee! I ordered a latte, and settled down into a corner to admire my surroundings. My coffee was served in a pretty china cup, and everywhere I looked was something interesting. Needless to say I did not get any reading or writing done that day…I just watched the light dance across the walls in an already beautiful room. Great music on the stereo (I made note of the large cd collection and guitar propped agains the wall when I walked in), and the owner kindly brought me an extra little cup of the coffee of the day (an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe). A perfect place to daydream, let your mind wander and figure out your next art project.