Cabilao Sunset
The ‘Junk Drawer’ is a random dose of things to read, eat, enjoy and explore
Somehow in the midst of all this, we are moving. Heading off to Hawaii to set down roots for a couple of years surrounded by the vast blue ocean. News of our move prompted me to immediately watch the film Endless Summer. Although I am a scuba diver (a hobby borne out of a love for water and beach, but the inability to sit still), I never really had the desire to try surfing…that was until I saw the film. Maybe it is the innocence that the film exudes or the feeling of nostalgia for simpler times that radiates out of the screen along with Bruce Brown’s narration, but I suddenly became convinced that I most definitely must try to ride a few waves. (Stay tuned for news on how well that works out for me.) Of course, the concept of moving to an island where summer does indeed seem endless has got me a bit panicked about what I will wear. Feel free to laugh, but it’s true. I relish the changing of the seasons and the different outfits that come along with that. I don’t do flip flops at all, feel a bit squeamish at the thought of sandals, and the last time I wore shorts I was 14. So when I should have been busy packing and getting ready for the moving truck, I instead spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what to wear on an island.
The conclusion? All colours and bold patterns. Dresses, and jumpsuits, and possibly adorning my head with a scarf to control all that crazy beach hair that I am sure will be part of my future. In the mornings I imagine myself picking bananas in the backyard wearing a vintage kimono, perfectly accessorized with these earrings or possibly turquoise everything. And on my feet? A beautiful pair of babouche? Velevet slide-ons? Or something Italian, in lilac? Yes, please. That is, until I start in on all the adventurous hiking that seems to be in abundance around the Islands, which will require something different all together… the perfect pair of vintage style boots, of course. Who knows, I might even get inspired enough to add an attempt at summiting Mauna Kea to my list of things to do. While I have Italian shoes on my mind, I might as well mention the glorious armchair travel I have been doing to the “Bel Paese” via my home screen… riding a bicycle through piazzas in Lombardy like in the film “Call Me by Your Name”, and enjoying a morning espresso on a terrace somewhere in Mongibello as prepared by Dickie in “The Talented Mr Ripley” (um…anyone else thinking about how sexy that espresso machine is?) I see myself there, breakfasting on a beautiful cornetto, the hint of orange pairing perfectly with the dark bitterness of the coffee. I just closed my eyes imagining it all, and almost drifted off completely to the colours of Procida, and a stunning view of the Gulf of Naples from some vantage point I have yet to visit. Much nicer than the view from the hotel where I am writing this from, here in transition, somewhere between kitchens.
I was literally cooking up to the last minute and always have the most difficult time packing up my kitchen when it is time to go. I hold on until the bitter end, usually baking a batch of cookies (for fortitude), and as I am prone to do, suddenly throwing myself into some sort of last minute very important cooking project. This time it was perfecting my recipe for sweet bean paste, which is something I developed a small addiction to while living in South Korea a few years back. There was a tiny bakery in downtown Dongducheon that made a delectable loaf of bread with bean paste swirled through it, and it became one of my most favourite treats, which I recreate at home a few times a year. I also got totally addicted to mochi, and was super excited to discover this recipe from Lady and Pups which was the perfect ending to a mini dim sum night at our house recently. Next on my list to try? Two Red Bowls peanut butter mochi bread. Say it out loud and just try to resist jumping up and making it like right now. I am totally itching to get back into a kitchen. Can you tell? Especially with all that gorgeous summer produce coming into season, I am counting the days until I can wander through a farmer’s market again.
The Strawberry Moon rises on June 5th, and with it an excuse (like we need one) to celebrate everything strawberry. Oh, where to begin…There is strawberry sorbet, à la The River Cafe, strawberry streusel cake, strawberry and brie sandwiches, Stella Park’s double strawberry layer cake, jalapeño and roasted strawberry baby back ribs, a strawberry jam tart with ricotta cream, or just a deliciously simple strawberry shortcake with whipped cream, And for summer grilling? Oh, yes… There will most definitely be this grilled chicken with board dressing (a favourite at our place in the warmer months). I am also thinking that Thai grilled chicken will be a necessity, accompanied by this, or this, and finishing off the night with this sweet little number (the combination of coconut and candied peanuts is pretty addictive. Trust me it won’t disappoint). And since we are on the topic of Southeast Asian flavors, have you seen these new products from Omsom? I am very excited to try them all, and am quite certain that they will become staples in my pantry. Filipino pork sisig?! Yes, please take me back to those carefree memories of Cabilao and Bohol, by way of the stomach.
Great . Loved this .